Paris, with its timeless allure and enchanting streets, often tops the list of dream destinations for many millennials. Contrary to the notion of Paris as a popular layover spot or too lavish to enjoy on a budget, the City of Light is ripe with experiences that are both affordable and deeply ... READ the POST
Top 3: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Up next on our tour of SE Asia, is Chiang Mai, Thailand. We did visit Bangkok, but the city life that sticks out for us, is definitely Chiang Mai. We packed in a lot of fun in our 48 hours there. Keep reading for where to stay, where to SPA (oh, la la) and where to adventure! Be sure check our ... READ the POST
Switzerland, take my breath away
Why Switzerland? Switzerland simply takes my breath away. Every time I visit Switzerland, I must take a moment to first simply relish in its beauty as there is nothing like it, then there is always a moment when I must have that good cry. It’s one of those places that reminds you of how far you’ve ... READ the POST
See Charleston In 8 Hours or Less
Charleston feels rich. Rich in money, color, and culture. It's also both slow and busy at the same time. However, you really can get so much done in 8 hours or less. My top 3 favorite things to do in Charleston, when you're on a time crunch includes: Eating (eating again), visiting Rainbow Row for ... READ the POST