Here in the Bell Household, we love a good Taco Tuesday...Good music, good beer and the smell of street tacos from a distance couldn’t describe my Mexican oasis much better as I day dream from my suburban paradise in Chamblee, Georgia. If we aren't abroad or off on some sort of adventure, Ashley and ... READ the POST
Switzerland, take my breath away
Why Switzerland? Switzerland simply takes my breath away. Every time I visit Switzerland, I must take a moment to first simply relish in its beauty as there is nothing like it, then there is always a moment when I must have that good cry. It’s one of those places that reminds you of how far you’ve ... READ the POST
See Charleston In 8 Hours or Less
Charleston feels rich. Rich in money, color, and culture. It's also both slow and busy at the same time. However, you really can get so much done in 8 hours or less. My top 3 favorite things to do in Charleston, when you're on a time crunch includes: Eating (eating again), visiting Rainbow Row for ... READ the POST