It's winter time, and we are all gaining a little hibernation weight. Since that's the inevitable, might as well make it worth it by eating good (notice I said good, not well LOL). And how do we eat good around these parts? Well, that starts with the perfect pot roast recipe. As usual, I won't hold ... READ the POST
Saving On Any Budget, You Can Do It
Now that we've all safely made it through the holiday season (Happy New Year!!), I really wanted to do a blog for saving on any budget. It's important. It's especially important during an age of overspending and feeling obligated to keep up with Jones'. I'm guilty of it myself, and I will always ... READ the POST
See Charleston In 8 Hours or Less
Charleston feels rich. Rich in money, color, and culture. It's also both slow and busy at the same time. However, you really can get so much done in 8 hours or less. My top 3 favorite things to do in Charleston, when you're on a time crunch includes: Eating (eating again), visiting Rainbow Row for ... READ the POST